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Tuesday, February 11, 2025 

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00 - Display'Em

01 - One Sheet Posters

01A - Anniversary Posters

02 - Quad, 40X60, 3 Sheet

03 - Half Sheet Posters

04 - Insert Posters

05 - Window Cards

06 - Lobby Card Sets

07 - Pulp Cover Prints

08 - Superhero Posters

09 - Aurora Repro Boxes & Store Posters

10 - Aurora Fantasy Boxes

11 - Horrora Boxes

12 - Buttons 3.5"

13 - Board Game Boxes

14 - Card Sets

15 - Pressbook PDF's

16 - Magazine PDF's

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There are currently 903 products in our database, 100 per page.

Item # Description Price
ARB-166 Customizing Monster Kit 1 - Aurora Box Front Poster $16.00
ARB-167 Customizing Monster Kit 2 - Aurora Box Front Poster $16.00
ARB-170 Star Trek USS Enterprise - AMT Reproduction Box $50.00
ARB-175 Flash Gordon and the Martian - 1965 - Revell Reproduction Model Kit Box $40.00
ARB-176 The Phantom and the Voodoo Witch Doctor - 1965 - Revell Reproduction Model Kit Box $40.00
ARB-180 Captain Action 1st Release - Ideal Toy Reproduction Box $40.00
ARB-181 Action Boy - Ideal Toy Reproduction Box $40.00
B-098 8 Marvel Super Hero Club Pinback Buttons - Button World Reproductions $79.95
B-099 7 DC Super Hero Club Pinback Buttons - Button World Reproductions $65.00
B-100 MMMS - Merry Marvel Marching Society - 1967 Reproduction Button $8.95
B-101A 1966 - Batman and Robin Society - Button World Reproduction Button $8.95
B-101B 1966 - Batman Button World Reproduction Button - Deputy Crime Fighter $8.95
B-102 1966 - Superman Club - Button World Reproduction Button $8.95
B-102A 1966 - Green Hornet - Button World Reproduction Button $8.95
B-103 1965-66 - Captain America Button World Reproduction Button $9.95
B-104 1965-66 - Daredevil Button World Reproduction Button $9.95
B-105 1965-66 - Incredible Hulk Button World Reproduction Button $9.95
B-106 1965-66 - Amazing Spider-Man Button World Reproduction Button $9.95
B-107 1965-66 - Invincible Iron Man Button World Reproduction Button $9.95
B-108 1965-66 - Submariner Button World Reproduction Button $9.95
B-109 1965-66 - The Mighty Thor Button World Reproduction Button $9.95
B-110 1965-66 - The Avengers Button World Reproduction Button $9.95
B-113 1966 - Green Lantern Button World Reproduction Button $9.95
B-114 1966 - Wonder Woman Button World Reproduction Button $9.95
B-115 1966 - Aquaman Button World Reproduction Button $9.95
B-116 1966 - Hawkman Button World Reproduction Button $9.95
BGB-101 The Green Hornet Quick Switch Game - 1966 Board Game Reproduction Box $50.00
BGB-102 Calling Superman - 1954 Board Game Reproduction Box $50.00
BGB-103 Star Trek - 1967 Board Game Reproduction Box $50.00
BGB-104 Land of the Giants - 1968 Board Game Reproduction Box $50.00
BGB-105 The Twilight Zone Game - 1964 Board Game Reproduction Box $50.00
BGB-106 The Outer Limits Game - 1964 Board Game Reproduction Box $50.00
BGB-107 Flash Justice League of America - 1966 Board Game Reproduction Box $50.00
BGB-108 Aquaman Justice League of America - 1966 Board Game Reproduction Box $50.00
BGB-109 Wonder Woman Justice League of America - 1966 Board Game Reproduction Box $50.00
BGB-110 The Wild Wild West - 1966 Board Game Reproduction Box $50.00
CS-101 Classics NOT Illustrated Card Set $25.00
DE-101 Display'Em Wire Presentation Rack - Sized for Comics and Pulps $32.95
DE-102 Display'Em Wire Presentation Rack - Sized for Magazines or Graded Comics $38.95
DE-103 Additional Panel Boards $4.00
DP-110 HELP - The Beatles - 1965 - 30X40 showing all 4 Door Panels $50.00
FS-101 Creature from the Black Lagoon - 1954 - Full-Size 40X60 Reproduction Poster $89.95
FS-102 You Only Live Twice - James Bond 007 - 1967 - 40X60 Reproduction Esquire Subway Poster $89.95
HS-059A The Bride of Frankenstein - 1935 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-059B The Bride of Frankenstein - 1935 - Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-061A Son of Frankenstein - 1939 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-061B Son of Frankenstein - 1939 - Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-062 Ghost of Frankenstein - 1942 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-064 Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man - 1943 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-066 House of Frankenstein - 1944 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-067 Dracula - 1931 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-068 House of Dracula - 1945 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-069 The Black Cat - 1934 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-070A The Raven - 1935 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-070B The Raven - 1935 - Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-071 The Wolf Man - 1941 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-072 The Wolf Man - 1948 - Re-release Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-075 The Cat People - 1942 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-076 House of Wax 3D - 1953 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-077 House of Horrors - 1946 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-078 House of Horrors - 1952 - Re-release Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-079 Curse of the Werewolf - 1961 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-080 Curse of the Werewolf - 1961 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-083 King Kong - 1942 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Re-Release Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-084 Dracula - 1951 - Half Sheet Re-Release Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-085 The Invisible Man - 1947 - Half Sheet Reproduction Re-Release Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-086 The Mummy - 1951 - Half Sheet Reproduction Re-Release Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-087 Hunchback of Norte Dame - 1957 - Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-088 Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein - 1948 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-089 Abbott and Costello Meet The Invisible Man - 1951 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-090 Breakfast at Tiffany's - 1961 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-091 Rebel Without a Cause - 1955 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-092 Dark Passage - 1947 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-093B This Gun for Hire - 1942 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-094 The Wizard of OZ - 1939 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-095 Room Service - Marx Bros. - 1938 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-096A Casablanca - 1942 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-096B Casablanca - 1942 - Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-097A Jailhouse Rock - 1957 - Elvis Presley Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-097B Jailhouse Rock - 1957 - Elvis Presley Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-098B King Creole - 1958 - Elvis Presley Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-099 Love Me Tender - 1956 - Elvis Presley Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-100A Creature from the Black Lagoon - 1954 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-100B Creature from the Black Lagoon - 1954 - Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-101A Revenge of the Creature - 1955 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-101B Revenge of the Creature - 1955 - Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-102A The Creature Walks Amoung Us - 1956 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-102B The Creature Walks Amoung Us - 1956 - Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-103A The War of the Worlds - 1953 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-103B The War of the Worlds - 1953 - Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-104 The Day The Earth Stood Still - 1951 - Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-105A When Worlds Collide - 1951 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-105B When Worlds Collide - 1951 - Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-107A Forbidden Planet - 1956 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-107B Forbidden Planet - 1956 - Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-108A The Thing from Another World - 1951 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-108B The Thing from Another World - 1951 - Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-109A IT Came from Outer Space - 1953 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28. $29.95
HS-109B IT Came from Outer Space - 1953 - Style B Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95
HS-110A The Time Machine - 1960 - Style A Half Sheet Reproduction Poster - 22X28 $29.95

There are 903 Items in our database. To view more Items, enter a page number below or click next.

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